Terapia farmacológica antifungica en estomatología
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Las infecciones fúngicas o micosis pueden causar diversos tipos de lesiones tanto leves como severas, logrando ser en ocasiones mortales. La micosis se puede dividir en superficiales, subcutáneas, sistémicas y oportunistas. Estas dos últimas son frecuentes en cavidad bucal ya sea originados de manera primaria o secundaria, es decir por diseminación.
Mycosis or fungal infections can cause many types of injuries, both minor and severe, managing to be fatal in some cases. Mycosis can be divided into superficial, subcutaneous, systemic and opportunistic. These two latest are common in oral cavity as it originated from primary or secondary, by spread
Mycosis or fungal infections can cause many types of injuries, both minor and severe, managing to be fatal in some cases. Mycosis can be divided into superficial, subcutaneous, systemic and opportunistic. These two latest are common in oral cavity as it originated from primary or secondary, by spread
Infección fúngica, Cavidad bucal, Micosis oportunista, Micosis sistémica, Antimicóticos tópicos y sistémicos, Fungal infection, Oral cavity, Opportunistic mycosis, Systemic mycosis, Topical and systemic antifungals