Principales arbotantes anatómicas del macizo cráneo facial y aplicación clínica
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La cabeza ósea comprende dos regiones que son bien distinguidas que son el cráneo y la cara.
El cráneo tiene ocho huesos, cuatro son impares: frontal, etmoides, esfenoides y occipital. Cuatro son pares: los dos parietales y los dos temporales, además hay huesecitos más o menos desarrollados, llamados huesos wormianos.
En total son catorce los huesos de la cara, doce pares (Hueso Maxilar superior, Hueso malar, Hueso propio de la nariz, Hueso lagrimal, Hueso palatino y Cornete inferior) y dos impares (maxilar inferior y vomer)
The bony head comprises two regions that are well distinguished that are the skull and the face. The skull has eight bones, four are odd: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and occipital. Four are pairs: the two parietals and the two temporal ones, in addition there are more or less developed bones, called wormian bones. In total there are fourteen bones of the face, twelve pairs (upper maxillary bone, malar bone, bone of the nose, lacrimal bone, palatal bone and inferior turbinate) and two odd (lower jaw and vomer)
The bony head comprises two regions that are well distinguished that are the skull and the face. The skull has eight bones, four are odd: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and occipital. Four are pairs: the two parietals and the two temporal ones, in addition there are more or less developed bones, called wormian bones. In total there are fourteen bones of the face, twelve pairs (upper maxillary bone, malar bone, bone of the nose, lacrimal bone, palatal bone and inferior turbinate) and two odd (lower jaw and vomer)
Cabeza, Cráneo, Arbotantes anatómicos, Arbotantes anteriores, Arbotantes posteriores, Head, Skull, Anatomical flying buttresses, Flying buttresses, Flying buttresses