Manejo preventivo de los pacientes con síndrome de down y sus características clínicas
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El síndrome de Down es una de las anomalías genéticas más comunes en la especie humana y que está relacionada a retraso mental. El grado de severidad de retraso mental nos determina el manejo de este paciente en la consulta odontológica para recibir tratamiento.
Estos pacientes presentan características clínicas específicas y también diferentes características odontoestomatológicas en comparación de un paciente sin este síndrome.
Según la literatura, la patología oral que más afecta al paciente con síndrome de Down es la enfermedad periodontal y presenta una baja prevalencia de presentar caries dental. Es de importancia conocer las alteraciones más frecuentes a nivel estomatognático de estos pacientes para detectarlas a tiempo y poder prevenirlas. Además de poder instruir al paciente y sus padres en la higiene oral
Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic anomalies in the human species and is related to mental retardation. The degree of severity of mental retardation determines the management of this patient in the dental office to receive treatment. These patients present specific clinical characteristics and also different odontostomatological characteristics compared to a patient without this syndrome. According to the literature, the oral pathology that most affects the patient with Down syndrome is periodontal disease and has a low prevalence of dental caries. It is important to know the most frequent alterations at the stomatognathic level of these patients to detect them in time and to prevent them. In addition to being able to instruct the patient and their parents in oral hygiene
Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic anomalies in the human species and is related to mental retardation. The degree of severity of mental retardation determines the management of this patient in the dental office to receive treatment. These patients present specific clinical characteristics and also different odontostomatological characteristics compared to a patient without this syndrome. According to the literature, the oral pathology that most affects the patient with Down syndrome is periodontal disease and has a low prevalence of dental caries. It is important to know the most frequent alterations at the stomatognathic level of these patients to detect them in time and to prevent them. In addition to being able to instruct the patient and their parents in oral hygiene
Síndrome de down, Características clínica, Manejo, Caries dental, Enfermedad periodontal, Down syndrome, Clinical characteristics, Management, Dental caries, Periodontal disease