Nivel de conocimiento y prácticas del manejo de residuos sólidos intradomiciliarios en pobladores del Asentamiento Humano Señor de los Milagros. Chincha. 2016
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El presente trabajo hace referencia a la metodología utilizada que tiene valor científico por cuanto su uso está debidamente fundamentado, destacándose que el manejo inadecuado de residuos sólidos representa un problema en la salud de la población, y a su vez causan enfermedades infecciosas de diferentes tipos. Además, favorecen la producción de las moscas en el hogar y la comunidad, producen fermentaciones y causan gases con olores desagradables, favorecen la propagación de insectos y roedores cuya presencia amenaza la salud de la población. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el conocimiento y prácticas en el manejo de las normas de residuos sólidos intradomiciliarios en pobladores del Asentamiento Humano Señor de los Milagros, Chincha. Agosto 2016. Material y métodos: la investigación es de enfoque cuantitativa, alcance correlacional, de corte transversal, tomando en cuenta una muestra de 50 pobladores, a razón de un integrante adulto por familia, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario para identificar el conocimiento sobre el manejo de residuos sólidos intradomiciliarios y una guía de observación para evaluar la práctica. Dentro de los resultados se obtuvo que el conocimiento de los pobladores fue deficiente en el concepto, clasificación, manejo y eliminación alcanzando 80%; 84%; 74% y 76% respectivamente, en tanto que el conocimiento de manera global fue deficiente en 78% de los pobladores. La práctica de manejo de residuos sólidos fue inadecuada en 68%. Conclusión: se demostró la relación entre el conocimiento y la práctica de manejo de residuos sólidos. (x2 = 16.084)
The present work refers to the methodology used that has scientific value because its use is well founded, emphasizing that the inadequate management of solid waste represents a problem in the health of the population, and in turn cause infectious diseases of different types. In addition, they favor the production of flies in the home and community, produce fermentations and cause gases with unpleasant odors, favor the propagation of insects and rodents whose presence threatens the health of the population. Objective: To determine the relationship between knowledge and practices in the management of solid residues standards in people living in the Settlement of the Lord of the Miracles, Chincha. August 2016. Material and methods: the research is a quantitative, cross-sectional, cross-sectional study, taking into account a sample of 50 inhabitants, by reason of one adult member per family, who were asked to identify the knowledge on the management of solid residues in the home and an observation guide to evaluate the practice. Among the results it was obtained that the knowledge of the inhabitants was deficient in the concept, classification, handling and elimination reaching 80%; 84%; 74% and 76% respectively, while overall knowledge was deficient in 78% of the population. The practice of solid waste management was inadequate in 68%. Conclusion: the relationship between knowledge and the practice of solid waste management was demonstrated. (x2 = 16,084)
The present work refers to the methodology used that has scientific value because its use is well founded, emphasizing that the inadequate management of solid waste represents a problem in the health of the population, and in turn cause infectious diseases of different types. In addition, they favor the production of flies in the home and community, produce fermentations and cause gases with unpleasant odors, favor the propagation of insects and rodents whose presence threatens the health of the population. Objective: To determine the relationship between knowledge and practices in the management of solid residues standards in people living in the Settlement of the Lord of the Miracles, Chincha. August 2016. Material and methods: the research is a quantitative, cross-sectional, cross-sectional study, taking into account a sample of 50 inhabitants, by reason of one adult member per family, who were asked to identify the knowledge on the management of solid residues in the home and an observation guide to evaluate the practice. Among the results it was obtained that the knowledge of the inhabitants was deficient in the concept, classification, handling and elimination reaching 80%; 84%; 74% and 76% respectively, while overall knowledge was deficient in 78% of the population. The practice of solid waste management was inadequate in 68%. Conclusion: the relationship between knowledge and the practice of solid waste management was demonstrated. (x2 = 16,084)
Conocimiento, Práctica, Manejo de residuos sólidos intradomiciliarios, Knowledge, Practice, Management of solid residues in home