Eficiencia antibacteriana de los extractos etanólicos de Erythroxylum Coca (Coca) y Caesalpinia Spinosa (Tara) sobre los estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival. Año 2014
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo de investigación reporta los resultados de la Eficiencia antibacteriana de los extractos Etanólicos de Erythroxylum Coca (Coca) y Caesalpinia Spinosa (Tara) sobre los estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival, Año 2014.
Investigación de tipo experimental y diseño utilizado es cuasi-experimental de medición de un grupo Pre y Post Test. La población estuvo constituida por 30 pacientes, en donde se seleccionaron una muestra en 15 medios de cultivo de estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival, registrada mediante una ficha de observación experimental, luego se realizó el análisis estadístico y contrastación de hipótesis mediante la prueba de no paramétrica de Mann Whitney.
Los resultados indican que el extracto etanólico de Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) y el extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca (Coca) tienen eficiencia antibacteriana sobre los estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival. Así mismo, el extracto etanólico de Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) tiene eficiencia antibacteriana sobre los estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival; y el extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca (Coca) tienen eficiencia antibacteriana sobre los estreptococos bucales y la flora mixta salival. Aunque, cabe precisar, que el extracto de Tara tiene mayor eficiencia respecto al extracto de Coca.
The present investigation reports the results of the antibacterial efficiency of the ethanol extracts of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) and Caesalpinia Spinosa (Tara) On the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora, 2014. Research and experimental design used is quasi-experimental measurement of the UN group Pre and Post Test. The He was Population consisted of 30 patients, where a sample in 15 culture media oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora, registered by a record of experimental observation were selected, then the statistical analysis and hypothesis testing was performed by test nonparametric Mann Whitney. The results indicate that the ethanol extract of Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) and ethanol extract of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) have antibacterial efficiency Over the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora. Also, the ethanol extract of Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) have antibacterial efficiency Over the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora; and the ethanol extract of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) have antibacterial efficiency On oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora. From Although precise possible, than Tara extract efficiency mayor has respect to Coca extract.
The present investigation reports the results of the antibacterial efficiency of the ethanol extracts of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) and Caesalpinia Spinosa (Tara) On the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora, 2014. Research and experimental design used is quasi-experimental measurement of the UN group Pre and Post Test. The He was Population consisted of 30 patients, where a sample in 15 culture media oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora, registered by a record of experimental observation were selected, then the statistical analysis and hypothesis testing was performed by test nonparametric Mann Whitney. The results indicate that the ethanol extract of Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) and ethanol extract of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) have antibacterial efficiency Over the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora. Also, the ethanol extract of Caesalpinia spinosa (Tara) have antibacterial efficiency Over the oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora; and the ethanol extract of Erythroxylum coca (Coca) have antibacterial efficiency On oral streptococci and saliva mixed flora. From Although precise possible, than Tara extract efficiency mayor has respect to Coca extract.
Eficiencia antibacteriana, Extracto etanólico, Estreptococos bucales, Flora mixta salival, Antibacterial efficiency, Ethanol extract, Oral streptococci, Salivary mixed flora