Músculos paraprotéticos y sus aplicaciones clínicas
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Los músculos para protéticos juegan un rol importante en la confección de prótesis
mucosoportadas y dentomucosoportadas de brechas amplias debido a que su acción puede generar el desplazamiento o estabilidad de estas durante los movimientos fisiológicos. El modiolo, estructura formada por la convergencia de varios de estos músculos próxima a la comisura labial es responsable de la contención del bolo alimenticio durante su trituración en la función masticatoria por lo tanto su tonicidad y función está relacionada a una buena masticación en pacientes dentados y en pacientes portadores de prótesis
Oral paraprosthetic muscles play a main role in the preparation of mucosupported and dentomucosupported prosthesis on patients with wide teeth loss due to the action they can generate displacing or stabilizing the prostheses during physiological movements. Modiolus, a structure formed by the convergency of some of these muscles located lateraly to the angle of the mouth responsible of the maintainance of the alimentary bolus during its trituration in the masticatory function thus its tonicity and function related to a correct chewing in jagged patients and prosthesis users
Oral paraprosthetic muscles play a main role in the preparation of mucosupported and dentomucosupported prosthesis on patients with wide teeth loss due to the action they can generate displacing or stabilizing the prostheses during physiological movements. Modiolus, a structure formed by the convergency of some of these muscles located lateraly to the angle of the mouth responsible of the maintainance of the alimentary bolus during its trituration in the masticatory function thus its tonicity and function related to a correct chewing in jagged patients and prosthesis users
Músculos paraprotéticos, Modiolo, Zona neutra, Reabsorción ósea, Nervio facial, Paraprosthetic muscles, Modiolus, Neutral zone, Loss of bone flange, Facial nerve