Actividad diurética del extracto hidroalcóholico del tubérculo de Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Mashua negra) en ratas albinas
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente estudio de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar si el extracto
hidroalcohólico del tubérculo de Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Mashua negra) tiene
actividad diurética en ratas albinas. El método utilizado fue el propuesto por Naik y
Col con modificaciones. Para la medición del volumen urinario se utilizaron jaulas
metabólicas adaptadas con probetas. Como control positivo se empleó la
furosemida a 20 mg/kg. Se utilizaron 25 Ratas, con un peso promedio de 250 -350
g, machos, estos fueron mantenidos en cuarentena durante 7 días con libre
disposición de alimentos y agua, en condiciones de ambientación adecuadas en el
bioterio de INDACIPS PERU. Se realizó la separación aleatoria a los animales y se
procedió a administrar los tratamientos a diferentes concentraciones de Tropaeolum
tuberosum R&P. (Mashua negra) por vía oral en un volumen igual a 5 mL; al grupo
control se administró solución salina en el mismo volumen de 5 mL, al grupo control
positivo se administró 5 mL de solución salina por vía oral más una dosis de
furosemida 20 mg/kg peso por vía intraperitoneal. Los resultados de la diuresis
reportaron a la concentración de 100 mg/kg, una media de diuresis de 2.8 ml, la
concentración al 250 mg/kg, reporto una media de 3.3 ml de diuresis y la
concentración de 500 mg/kg, una media de 3.8 ml de diuresis. Sin embargo, el
medicamento de referencia furosemida, resulto tener mejor actividad diurética 6.90
mL. Después del desarrollo experimental y realizar la prueba estadística de ANOVA,
se evidencio que el extracto hidroalcohólico del tubérculo de Tropaeolum tuberosum
R&P. (Mashua negra), posee actividad diurética (P-valor˂0.05) a diferentes
concentraciones, pero estos resultaron fueron menores al medicamento de control
(P-valor ˃0.05)
The objective of this research study was to determine whether the hydroalcoholic extract of the tuber of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua) has diuretic activity in albino rats. The method used was the one proposed by Naik and Col with modifications. For the measurement of urinary volume, metabolic cages adapted with test tubes were used. As a positive control, furosemide was used at 20 mg / kg. Twenty-five rats were used, with an average weight of 250-350 g, males, these were kept in quarantine for 7 days with free provision of food and water, under suitable conditions in the INDACIPS PERU habitat. The animals were randomly separated and the treatments were administered at different concentrations of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua) orally in a volume equal to 5 mL; the control group was administered saline in the same volume of 5 mL, the positive control group was administered 5 mL of saline solution orally plus a dose of furosemide 20 mg / kg weight intraperitoneally. The results of the diuresis reported at the concentration of 100 mg / kg, a mean diuresis of 2.8 ml, the concentration at 250 mg / kg, reported an average of 3.3 ml of diuresis and the concentration of 500 mg / kg, an average of 3.8 ml of diuresis. However, the reference drug furosemide, resulted to have better diuretic activity 6.90 mL. After the experimental development and perform the statistical test of ANOVA, it was evidenced that the hydroalcoholic extract of the tuber of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua), has diuretic activity (Pvalue˂0.05) at different concentrations, but these were lower than the control medication (P-value ˃0.05)
The objective of this research study was to determine whether the hydroalcoholic extract of the tuber of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua) has diuretic activity in albino rats. The method used was the one proposed by Naik and Col with modifications. For the measurement of urinary volume, metabolic cages adapted with test tubes were used. As a positive control, furosemide was used at 20 mg / kg. Twenty-five rats were used, with an average weight of 250-350 g, males, these were kept in quarantine for 7 days with free provision of food and water, under suitable conditions in the INDACIPS PERU habitat. The animals were randomly separated and the treatments were administered at different concentrations of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua) orally in a volume equal to 5 mL; the control group was administered saline in the same volume of 5 mL, the positive control group was administered 5 mL of saline solution orally plus a dose of furosemide 20 mg / kg weight intraperitoneally. The results of the diuresis reported at the concentration of 100 mg / kg, a mean diuresis of 2.8 ml, the concentration at 250 mg / kg, reported an average of 3.3 ml of diuresis and the concentration of 500 mg / kg, an average of 3.8 ml of diuresis. However, the reference drug furosemide, resulted to have better diuretic activity 6.90 mL. After the experimental development and perform the statistical test of ANOVA, it was evidenced that the hydroalcoholic extract of the tuber of Tropaeolum tuberosum R&P. (Black Mashua), has diuretic activity (Pvalue˂0.05) at different concentrations, but these were lower than the control medication (P-value ˃0.05)
Diuréticos, Actividad diurética, Metabolitos, Extracto hidroalcohólico, Tubérculo, Diuretics, Diuretic activity, Metabolites, Hydroalcoholic extract, Tuber