El trabajo colaborativo y el logro de aprendizaje de la asignatura de Estadística Descriptiva en los estudiantes del II ciclo de la facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El objetivo general del trabajo de investigación fue establecer la influencia de la aplicación del trabajo colaborativo en el logro de aprendizajes de la asignatura de estadística descriptiva en los estudiantes del II ciclo de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. El diseño utilizado fue de tipo cuasi experimental con dos grupos uno experimental y el otro de control.
La muestra no probabilística intencional estuvo constituida por 30 estudiantes del aula 43A0301 grupo experimental y 30 estudiantes del aula 43A1208 grupo de control de la FACO-UTP. Se aplicó un piloto a los estudiantes del aula 43A0403 para medir la validez y confiabilidad del instrumento obteniendo α de Cronbach de 0,826.
Luego se les aplicó un pre test de 10 preguntas objetivas de 5 alternativas tanto al grupo de control como el experimental para evaluar su rendimiento inicial, seguido de sesiones de enseñanza aprendizaje aplicando el trabajo colaborativo en el grupo experimental. Finalmente se evaluó a los dos grupos en un pos test para conocer los resultados.
Mediante el SPSS se calculó los estadísticos de ambos grupos, se aplicó T student relacionado para comparar el pre test con el pos test y T student para dos muestras independientes para comparar el pos test del grupo experimental con el pos test del grupo de control.
Los resultados mostraron que los logros de aprendizaje son mejores en el post test de ambos grupos respecto del pre test. Quedó demostrado en el grupo experimental que el trabajo colaborativo influye positivamente en el logro de aprendizaje del 66,67% de los cuales se ubican en un nivel satisfactorio 26,67%.
The overall objective of the research was to establish the influence of the implementation of collaborative learning in achieving the statistics course in the second cycle students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Technological University of Peru. The design was quasi-experimental with two groups, one experimental and the other of control. No probabilistic intentional sample consisted of 30 students of the classroom 43A0301 experimental group and 30 students in the classroom 43A1208 control group FACO-UTP. A pilot was applied to the students in the classroom 43A0403 to measure the validity and reliability of the instrument getting Cronbach α of 0.826. Then they applied a pretest 10 objective question of 5 alternatives to both the control group and the experimental to assess their initial performance, followed by teaching and learning sessions using collaborative work in the experimental group. Finally, the two groups was evaluated in a post test for the results. Using SPSS ,the statisticians was calculated in both groups, T relational student was applied to compare the pre test and post test and T for two independent samples to compare the post-test of the experimental group and the post test of the control group. The results showed that the learning outcomes are better in the post test of both groups respect to their pre test. It was shown that collaborative work positively influences the learning achievement of 66.67% of which are located at a satisfactory level 26.67%.
The overall objective of the research was to establish the influence of the implementation of collaborative learning in achieving the statistics course in the second cycle students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Technological University of Peru. The design was quasi-experimental with two groups, one experimental and the other of control. No probabilistic intentional sample consisted of 30 students of the classroom 43A0301 experimental group and 30 students in the classroom 43A1208 control group FACO-UTP. A pilot was applied to the students in the classroom 43A0403 to measure the validity and reliability of the instrument getting Cronbach α of 0.826. Then they applied a pretest 10 objective question of 5 alternatives to both the control group and the experimental to assess their initial performance, followed by teaching and learning sessions using collaborative work in the experimental group. Finally, the two groups was evaluated in a post test for the results. Using SPSS ,the statisticians was calculated in both groups, T relational student was applied to compare the pre test and post test and T for two independent samples to compare the post-test of the experimental group and the post test of the control group. The results showed that the learning outcomes are better in the post test of both groups respect to their pre test. It was shown that collaborative work positively influences the learning achievement of 66.67% of which are located at a satisfactory level 26.67%.
Trabajo colaborativo, Logro de aprendizaje de la Estadística Descriptiva, Collaborative work, Learning achievement of descriptive statistics