Fosas Nasales
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Las fosas nasales forman parte de la nariz, es importante para el cirujano dentista su conocimiento anatómico, debido a que son estructuras cercanas a la cavidad oral. El presente trabajo monográfico hace una descripción de sus características anatómicas y funcionales, también se incluye el aspecto clínico donde se describen alteraciones y diversas patologías , existe una diferencia clínica y funcional entre estructuras anatómicamente conservadas y estructuras alteradas por patologías o cambios físicos, debido a traumatismos u otras condiciones a lo largo de la vida del ser humano, esto puede modificar la anatomía y funcionalidad de la cavidad bucal, por ejemplo, hipertrofia en los cornetes nasales o desviaciones del cartílago nasal pueden condicionar a una respiración patológica bucal, en las conclusiones se enfatiza en este aspecto y otros relacionados al manejo profesional ante estos casos y otros.
The nostrils are part of the nose, it is important for the dental surgeon their anatomical knowledge, because they are structures close to the oral cavity. This monographic work makes a description of its anatomical and functional characteristics, also includes the clinical aspect where alterations and various pathologies are described, there is a clinical and functional difference between structures Anatomically preserved and structures altered by pathologies or physical changes, due to trauma or other conditions throughout human life, this can modify the anatomy and functionality of the oral cavity, for example, hypertrophy in the Nasal turbinates or deviations of the nasal cartilage can condition a pathological respiration oral, in the conclusions is emphasized in this aspect and others related to the professional management in these cases and others.
The nostrils are part of the nose, it is important for the dental surgeon their anatomical knowledge, because they are structures close to the oral cavity. This monographic work makes a description of its anatomical and functional characteristics, also includes the clinical aspect where alterations and various pathologies are described, there is a clinical and functional difference between structures Anatomically preserved and structures altered by pathologies or physical changes, due to trauma or other conditions throughout human life, this can modify the anatomy and functionality of the oral cavity, for example, hypertrophy in the Nasal turbinates or deviations of the nasal cartilage can condition a pathological respiration oral, in the conclusions is emphasized in this aspect and others related to the professional management in these cases and others.
Fosas nasales, Anatomía, Aspecto clínico, Patologías, Bucal, Nostrils, Anatomy, Clinical appearance, Pathologies, Buccal