Efecto laxante del extracto etanólico de las semillas y pulpa de Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (Pitahaya amarilla) en ratas albinas Holtzman
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, verificar el efecto laxante en ratas
albinas Holtzman del extracto etanólico de Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann
ex Vaupel Moran (Pitahaya amarilla). La especie vegetal fue colectada en Amazonas. La
pulpa y semilla del fruto de Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran
(Pitahaya amarilla) fue macerada con etanol de 96° por separado. Cada extracto obtenido
fue analizado mediante un tamizaje fitoquímico en el que se identificaron compuestos
fenólicos, lactonas α, β- insaturadas y carbohidratos en ambos extractos además
de quinonas y taninos en el extracto etanólico de la semilla del fruto de Selenicereus
megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (Pitahaya amarilla). En el ensayo
farmacológico para determinar el efecto laxante se usaron 30 ratas albinas Holtzman
divididas en 5 grupos (En el primer grupo, se utilizó el extracto de semilla a 500mg/kg; en
el segundo, el extracto de pulpa a 500mg/kg; en el tercer grupo, la mezcla de ambos a
500mg/kg; al cuarto grupo, bisacodilo 0.25mg/kg y al quinto grupo, agua destilada) de 6
cada uno. Para evidenciar el efecto laxante se utilizó carbón activado como marcador de la
motilidad intestinal y se midió la longitud y porcentaje de recorrido de este marcador
producido por la administración de las sustancias experimentales previamente
mencionadas. En el ensayo se evidenció que el extracto de pulpa produjo 59.81 por ciento,
el extracto de semilla produjo 76.96 por ciento, la mezcla equivalentemente homogénea de
ambos extractos produjo 68.96 por ciento y el control positivo (bisacodilo 0.25 mg/kg)
produjo 70.18 por ciento de recorrido de carbón activado en el intestino delgado. Los
extractos etanólicos de la pulpa, semilla y mezcla equivalentemente homogénea de
ambos de Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (Pitahaya
amarilla) presentan efecto laxante.
The objective of the present investigation was to verify the laxative effect in albino Holtzman rats of the ethanolic extract of Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya). The plant species was collected in Amazonas. The pulp and seed of the Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) fruit was macerated with 96 °ethanol separately. Each extract obtained was analyzed through a phytochemical screening in which phenolic compounds, α, β-unsaturated lactones and carbohydrates were identified in both extracts as well as quinones and tannins in the ethanolic extract of Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) fruit seed. In the pharmacological test to determine the laxative effect, 30 rats divided into 5 groups were used (seed extract at 500 mg/kg, pulp at 500 mg/kg, the mixture of both at 500 mg/kg, bisacodyl 0.25 mg/kg and water) of 6 each. To demonstrate the laxative effect, activated charcoal was used as a marker of intestinal motility and the length and percentage of travel of this marker produced by the administration of the previously mentioned experimental substances was measured. In the test it was evidenced that the pulp extract produced 59.81%, the seed extract produced 76.96%, the equivalently homogeneous mixture of both extracts produced 68.96% and the post-control (bisacodyl 0.25 mg / kg) produced 70.18% carbon path activated in the small intestine. The ethanolic extracts of the pulp, seed and equivalently homogeneous mixture of both Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) present a laxative effect.
The objective of the present investigation was to verify the laxative effect in albino Holtzman rats of the ethanolic extract of Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya). The plant species was collected in Amazonas. The pulp and seed of the Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) fruit was macerated with 96 °ethanol separately. Each extract obtained was analyzed through a phytochemical screening in which phenolic compounds, α, β-unsaturated lactones and carbohydrates were identified in both extracts as well as quinones and tannins in the ethanolic extract of Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) fruit seed. In the pharmacological test to determine the laxative effect, 30 rats divided into 5 groups were used (seed extract at 500 mg/kg, pulp at 500 mg/kg, the mixture of both at 500 mg/kg, bisacodyl 0.25 mg/kg and water) of 6 each. To demonstrate the laxative effect, activated charcoal was used as a marker of intestinal motility and the length and percentage of travel of this marker produced by the administration of the previously mentioned experimental substances was measured. In the test it was evidenced that the pulp extract produced 59.81%, the seed extract produced 76.96%, the equivalently homogeneous mixture of both extracts produced 68.96% and the post-control (bisacodyl 0.25 mg / kg) produced 70.18% carbon path activated in the small intestine. The ethanolic extracts of the pulp, seed and equivalently homogeneous mixture of both Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya) present a laxative effect.
Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (Pitahaya amarilla), Efecto laxante, Maceración, Quinonas, Tamizaje fitoquímico, Carbón activado, Selenicereus megalanthus K. Schumann ex Vaupel Moran (yellow Pitahaya), Laxative effect, Maceration, Activated carbon, Phytochemical screening