Factores de riesgo y aparición de trastornos músculo esqueléticos en enfermeros del hospital Daniel Alcides Carrion, 2018
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En esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación que
existe entre los factores de riesgo y aparición de los trastornos músculo
esqueléticos en los enfermeros del servicio de Emergencia de adultos del
Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión, 2018, se trabajó con un enfoque cuantitativo,
diseño correlacional y descriptivo, con una muestra de 40 profesionales,
mediante un cuestionario validado por juicio de expertos y con una confiabilidad
del alfa de Cronbach del 0.880 y 0.889.
In this research it had as general objective to determine the relation that exists between the factors of risk and appearance of the musculoskeletal disorders in the nurses of the emergency service of adults of the Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión, 2018, we worked with a quantitative approach, descriptive and correlational design with a sample of 40 professionals, through a questionnaire validated by experts and trial with the alfa de Cronbach of the 0.880 and 0.889 reliability
In this research it had as general objective to determine the relation that exists between the factors of risk and appearance of the musculoskeletal disorders in the nurses of the emergency service of adults of the Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión, 2018, we worked with a quantitative approach, descriptive and correlational design with a sample of 40 professionals, through a questionnaire validated by experts and trial with the alfa de Cronbach of the 0.880 and 0.889 reliability
Riesgo físico, Riesgo ergonómico, Estrés, Dolor, Molestia, Physical risk, Ergonomic risk, Stress, Pain, Discomfort