Efectos de un programa cognitivo conductual en las habilidades sociales de alumnos de secundaria de organizaciones estudiantiles de la institución educativa Corazón de Jesús de Lima - 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, determinar los efectos de la aplicación de un programa cognitivo conductual en las habilidades sociales de la muestra indicada.
La investigación se desarrolló dentro del enfoque cuantitativo, asumiendo el tipo de investigación causal explicativa, de diseño pre experimental, y muestreo no probabilístico. La muestra indica 32 estudiantes de ambos sexos de nivel secundaria entre 14 y 16 años. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue: Lista de evaluación de habilidades sociales, diseñado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental Honorio Delgado- Hydeyo Noguchi (2005)
The present investigation aims to determine the effects of the application of a cognitive behavioral program on the social skills of the indicated sample. The research was developed within the quantitative approach, assuming the type of explanatory causal research, pre-experimental design, and non-probabilistic sampling. The sample indicates 32 students of both sexes of secondary level between 14 and 16 years old. The data collection instrument was: Social skills assessment list, designed by the Honorio Delgado-Hydeyo Noguchi National Institute of Mental Health (2005)
The present investigation aims to determine the effects of the application of a cognitive behavioral program on the social skills of the indicated sample. The research was developed within the quantitative approach, assuming the type of explanatory causal research, pre-experimental design, and non-probabilistic sampling. The sample indicates 32 students of both sexes of secondary level between 14 and 16 years old. The data collection instrument was: Social skills assessment list, designed by the Honorio Delgado-Hydeyo Noguchi National Institute of Mental Health (2005)
Programa de habilidades sociales, Organizaciones estudiantiles, Autoestima, Toma de decisiones, Asertividad, Habilidades comunicativas, Social skills program, Student organizations, Self-esteem, Decision making, Assertiveness, Communication skills