El enfoque ambiental en el currículo y el desarrollo de las competencias científicas de los estudiantes del nivel secundario de la I.E.E. Melitón Carvajal, distrito de Lince departamento de Lima, periodo 2017
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El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general, determinar de qué manera el
enfoque ambiental del currículo, se relaciona con el desarrollo de las competencias
científicas de los estudiantes del nivel secundario de la I.E.E. Melitón Carvajal,
distrito de Lince, departamento de Lima, período 2017. Para ello se planteó un
diseño descriptivo – correlacional, de tipo cuantitativo; con el que se buscó
determinar el grado de intensidad entre las dos variables: enfoque ambiental del
currículo y desarrollo de competencias científicas. De acuerdo al manejo de los
datos, se empleó un muestreo de 138 estudiantes del tercero de secundaria de la
IEE. Melitón Carvajal, quienes participaron de las diferentes estrategias
medioambientales. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos
fueron: una encuesta para evaluar los componentes temáticos del enfoque
ambiental, la cual fue validada y sometida a la prueba de confiabilidad, y una
prueba para medir el nivel de desarrollo que tienen los estudiantes sobre las
competencias científicas, el margen de error utilizado fue 0.05. Finalmente, se
determinó como conclusión que el enfoque ambiental del currículo se relaciona
positivamente con el desarrollo de competencias científicas en los estudiantes del
nivel secundario de la I.E.E. Melitón Carvajal, distrito de Lince, departamento de
Lima, período 2017.
The present study had as a general objective to determine how the environmental focus of the Curriculum is related to the development of scientific competences in students of I.E.E. Melitón Carvajal high school, Lince district department of Lima, period 2017. For this, a descriptive - correlational, quantitative design was proposed; seeks to determine the degree of intensity between the two variables: environmental focus of the curriculum and development of scientific competences. According to the data, a sampling of 138 students from 3rd high school of Meliton Carvajal was used, who participated of the different environmental strategies. The instruments used for data collection was: a questionnaire, designed to evaluate the thematic components of the Environmental Approach; and a test to evaluate the level of development that students have about scientist competencies The reliability test was validated and subjected the questionnaire mentioned before, the margin of error used was 0.05. Finally, it was determined as a conclusion that the environmental focus of the curriculum is positively related to the development of scientific competences in students of Meliton Carvajal School, district of Lince department of Lima, period 2017.
The present study had as a general objective to determine how the environmental focus of the Curriculum is related to the development of scientific competences in students of I.E.E. Melitón Carvajal high school, Lince district department of Lima, period 2017. For this, a descriptive - correlational, quantitative design was proposed; seeks to determine the degree of intensity between the two variables: environmental focus of the curriculum and development of scientific competences. According to the data, a sampling of 138 students from 3rd high school of Meliton Carvajal was used, who participated of the different environmental strategies. The instruments used for data collection was: a questionnaire, designed to evaluate the thematic components of the Environmental Approach; and a test to evaluate the level of development that students have about scientist competencies The reliability test was validated and subjected the questionnaire mentioned before, the margin of error used was 0.05. Finally, it was determined as a conclusion that the environmental focus of the curriculum is positively related to the development of scientific competences in students of Meliton Carvajal School, district of Lince department of Lima, period 2017.
Enfoque ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible, Currículo, Competencias científicas, Proyectos ambientales, Environmental focus, Sustainable development, Curriculum, Environmental project