Nivel de seguridad de protectores bucales tipo I y tipo IV en el desempeño de deportistas de alto impacto en el distrito de San Borja
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El protector bucal es un dispositivo intraoral que se usa para la proteccion de las
estructuras bucales a fin de prevenir diversas lesiones orofaciales en la practica de los
deportes de alto impacto. El mercado nos brinda cuatro tipos de protectores bucales
dos de los cuales usaremos para realizar la presente investigacion cientifica.
The Mouthguard is an intraoral device used for the protection of the mouth structures in order to prevent various orofacial lesions in the high-impact sports. The market offers us four types of mouthguards two of which we will use to perform the present scientific research.
The Mouthguard is an intraoral device used for the protection of the mouth structures in order to prevent various orofacial lesions in the high-impact sports. The market offers us four types of mouthguards two of which we will use to perform the present scientific research.
Protector bucal, Seguridad, Desempeno, Deportistas, Deporte de altomimpacto, Mouth guard, Security, Performance, Athletes, High-impact sport