El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el desarrollo de habilidades instrumentales de la investigación en los estudiantes de la especialidad de Ciencias Biológicas y Química de la facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación ha permitido comprobar el efecto positivo que tiene la aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas en el desarrollo de habilidades instrumentales de la investigación. Para efectos de esta investigación optamos por seleccionar como muestra a los estudiantes del VI Ciclo de la Especialidad de Ciencias Biológicas y Química de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica. Trabajamos con un Grupo Experimental y un Grupo Control con 38 integrantes cada uno, a quienes, al iniciar el experimento, le aplicamos una evaluación Pre test con la finalidad de determinar con qué nivel de desarrollo recibimos a dichos estudiantes. Durante el experimento aplicamos tres evaluaciones de proceso para ir observando la manera cómo se producía la evolución del nivel de desarrollo de esas habilidades en ambos grupos. Al finalizar el trabajo aplicamos una evaluación Post Test a ambos grupos, lo que nos permitió determinar cuál de los grupos había experimentado un mayor desarrollo de habilidades instrumentales de la investigación, pues nuestro objetivo de investigación fue planteado en los términos siguientes: Determinar la influencia de la aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas en el desarrollo de habilidades instrumentales de la investigación en los estudiantes de la especialidad de Ciencias Biológicas y Química de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica. Así, finalizado el experimento obtuvimos que los alumnos del Grupo Experimental registraron un mayor desarrollo de dichas habilidades, en comparación con los del Grupo Control.
This research has revealed the positive effect of the application of problem-based instrumental in developing research skills Learning. For purposes of this research we opted for selecting and shows students the sixth cycle of the Specialty of Biological Chemistry and the Faculty of Education at the National University of San Luis Gonzaga Ica Sciences. We work with an experimental group and a control group with 38 members each, who, at the start of the experiment, we apply a pre evaluation test in order to determine what level of development receive those students. During the experiment applied three evaluations of process to go watching the way the evolution of the level of development of these skills in both groups occurred. Upon completion of the work we apply an evaluation Post Test both groups, allowing us to determine which group had undergone further development of instrumental skills of research, because our research objective was posed as follows: To determine the influence of the implementation of Problem Based Learning instrumental in developing research skills among students in the specialty of Biological Sciences and Chemistry at the Faculty of Education and Humanities, National University of San Luis Gonzaga Ica. Thus ended the experiment we got the students of experimental group showed greater development of those skills, compared with the control group.
This research has revealed the positive effect of the application of problem-based instrumental in developing research skills Learning. For purposes of this research we opted for selecting and shows students the sixth cycle of the Specialty of Biological Chemistry and the Faculty of Education at the National University of San Luis Gonzaga Ica Sciences. We work with an experimental group and a control group with 38 members each, who, at the start of the experiment, we apply a pre evaluation test in order to determine what level of development receive those students. During the experiment applied three evaluations of process to go watching the way the evolution of the level of development of these skills in both groups occurred. Upon completion of the work we apply an evaluation Post Test both groups, allowing us to determine which group had undergone further development of instrumental skills of research, because our research objective was posed as follows: To determine the influence of the implementation of Problem Based Learning instrumental in developing research skills among students in the specialty of Biological Sciences and Chemistry at the Faculty of Education and Humanities, National University of San Luis Gonzaga Ica. Thus ended the experiment we got the students of experimental group showed greater development of those skills, compared with the control group.
Estrategia, Aprendizaje, Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, Habilidades, Habilidades instrumentales, Investigación, Strategy, Learning, Problem Based Learning, Abilities, Instrumental Abilities, Research