Manejo antibiotico de las infecciones de origen odontogénico
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Las infecciones odontogénicas son todas aquellas infecciones que se originan en las estructuras dentarias o los tejidos de soporte del diente, estas se deben a diversas causas y si no son tratadas a tiempo pueden empeorar y repercutir en todo el sistema estomatognático y también el organismo humano, por ello deben ser tratadas con la severidad y prontitud del caso. Es importante recalcar la falta de comprensión clínica que tienen algunos odontólogos no cirujanos y algunos que sí lo son con respecto a las clasificaciones establecidas por distintos autores a lo largo de los años. La cavidad oral es un complejo ecosistema compuesto por más de 500 especies bacterianas.
Odontogenic infections are all those infections that originate in dental structures or supporting tissues of the tooth, these are due to various causes and if not treated in time can worsen and affect the entire stomatognathic system and also the human organism, therefore, they should be treated with the severity and promptness of the case. It is important to emphasize the lack of clinical understanding that some non-surgeon dentists have and some that are so with regard to the classifications established by different authors over the years. The oral cavity is a complex ecosystem composed of more than 500 bacterial species. The different zones that make up this cavity constitute ecosystems: mucosa, dental surfaces, biofilm, gingival sulcus and saliva
Odontogenic infections are all those infections that originate in dental structures or supporting tissues of the tooth, these are due to various causes and if not treated in time can worsen and affect the entire stomatognathic system and also the human organism, therefore, they should be treated with the severity and promptness of the case. It is important to emphasize the lack of clinical understanding that some non-surgeon dentists have and some that are so with regard to the classifications established by different authors over the years. The oral cavity is a complex ecosystem composed of more than 500 bacterial species. The different zones that make up this cavity constitute ecosystems: mucosa, dental surfaces, biofilm, gingival sulcus and saliva
Infección odontogénica, Gram +, Gram -, Bacilos, Cocos, Aerobios, Anaerobios, Odontogenic infection, Gram +, Gram -, Bacillus, Cocos, Aerobic, Anaerobic