Vida y obra de Monseñor Alfonso María de la Cruz Sardinas Zavala, educador y mensajero de Paz (1842-1902)
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo de Investigación titulado: Vida y Obra de Monseñor Alfonso María de La Cruz Sardinas Zavala, educador y mensajero de paz (1842-1902)”; es una Investigación: Hagiográfica – Histórica; de corte descriptivo a través de la cual se investiga el desarrollo de la técnica, método y estilo con que a través de los siglos se han tratado las biografías de los santos y las incidencias del culto que se les ha tributado. El diseño de investigación utilizado es no experimental, se aplicó a través del análisis de datos acerca de los conocimientos de la obra de Monseñor Alfonso María de la Cruz Sardinas Zavala; teniendo como objetivo evaluar la vida y obra de Monseñor Alfonso María de la Cruz Sardinas Zavala y su aporte a la instauración de la paz y la educación integral.
El estudio consideró su vida cotidiana, sus obras y escritos, recopilando fuentes documentadas, testimonios, vestigios que evidencian su fama de santidad, a efecto de contribuir en la Causa del Proceso de su Canonización, y sea reconocido por la Iglesia, como modelo de santidad para la humanidad.
Se ha demostrado mediante el estudio que la vida y obra del Monseñor Alfonso María de la Cruz Sardinas Zavala Fundador de la Congregación de Religiosas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción constituye un aporte para la instauración de la paz y la educación integral.
This research work entitled: life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the cross Sardines Zavala, educator and Messenger of peace (1842-1902) "; is a research: Hagiografica - historical, descriptive cut through which investigates the development of technique, method and style with which over the centuries have been treated the biographies of the Saints and the incidences of the cult that is has paid them." The research design used is not experimental, applied through the analysis of data about the knowledge of the work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala; aiming evaluate the life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala and his contribution to the establishment of peace and comprehensive education. The study considered his everyday life, his works and writings, collecting documented sources, testimonies, traces that show his reputation for Holiness, for purpose of contributing to the cause of the process of his canonization, and recognized by the Church, as a model of Holiness for humanity. Has been shown by studying the life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala Founder of the Congregation of religious Franciscan of the Immaculate Conception represent a contribution to the establishment of peace and the integral education.
This research work entitled: life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the cross Sardines Zavala, educator and Messenger of peace (1842-1902) "; is a research: Hagiografica - historical, descriptive cut through which investigates the development of technique, method and style with which over the centuries have been treated the biographies of the Saints and the incidences of the cult that is has paid them." The research design used is not experimental, applied through the analysis of data about the knowledge of the work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala; aiming evaluate the life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala and his contribution to the establishment of peace and comprehensive education. The study considered his everyday life, his works and writings, collecting documented sources, testimonies, traces that show his reputation for Holiness, for purpose of contributing to the cause of the process of his canonization, and recognized by the Church, as a model of Holiness for humanity. Has been shown by studying the life and work of Monsignor Alfonso Maria of the Cruz Sardinas Zavala Founder of the Congregation of religious Franciscan of the Immaculate Conception represent a contribution to the establishment of peace and the integral education.
Hagiografía y biografía, Misión sacerdotal, Misión episcopal, Visitas pastorales, Cartas pastorales, Fama de santidad, Hagiography and biography, Priestly mission, Mission bishops, Pastoral visits