Los beneficios tributarios y la formalización empresarial de las micro y pequeñas empresas de la localidad, provincia y departamento de Huancavelica, periodo 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación de los beneficios tributarios y la formalización empresarial de las micro y pequeñas empresas de la localidad, provincia y departamento de Huancavelica, periodo 2016. Se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el método descriptivo y un diseño no experimental, asimismo se
aplicó la encuesta a una población constituida por personas naturales,
jurídicas y a microempresarios que suman aproximadamente 1,128
personas. Al calcular el tamaño de la muestra se trabajó finalmente con 287
personas. En cuanto al instrumento de recolección de datos tenemos a la
encuesta que constó de 12 ítems de tipo escala de likert, los mismos que se
presentaron en cuadros en frecuencias y porcentajes, complementándose con
el análisis e interpretación de los resultados, lo cual nos permitió contrastar
las hipótesis.
Los resultados arribados muestran que se ha rechazado la hipótesis nula, por
consiguiente, se ha aceptado la hipótesis alterna en el sentido de que a mayores
beneficios tributarios mayor formalización. Como conclusión del trabajo en
mención se tiene el hecho que la evidencia empírica ha corroborado el hecho que
los beneficios tributarios de forma positiva y significativa con la formalización
empresarial de la localidad, provincia y departamento de Huancavelica,
periodo 2016. La intensidad de la relación hallada es de r=0.95 que tienen
asociado una probabilidad p.=0,0<0,05 por lo que dicha relación es positiva y
significativa y corroborando con el coeficiente de Spearman es muy alta la
The research The descriptive method and a non-experimental design were used to reach this objective, and the survey was applied to a population constituted by natural, juridical and microentrepreneurs that total approximately 1,128 people. When calculating the sample size, we finally worked with 287 people. As far as the data collection instrument is concerned, the survey consisted of 12 likert scale items, the same ones that were presented in tables in frequencies and percentages, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of the results, which allowed us to contrast The hypotheses. The results show that the null hypothesis has been rejected, therefore, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted in the sense that the higher tax benefits formalization. As a conclusion of the work mentioned, the empirical evidence corroborates the fact that the tax benefits in a positive and significant way with the business formalization of the locality, province and department of Huancavelica, period 2016. The intensity of the relationship found Is of r = 0.95 that have associated a probability p = 0.0 <0.05 so that this relation is positive and significant and corroborating with the coefficient of Spearman is very high the correlation
The research The descriptive method and a non-experimental design were used to reach this objective, and the survey was applied to a population constituted by natural, juridical and microentrepreneurs that total approximately 1,128 people. When calculating the sample size, we finally worked with 287 people. As far as the data collection instrument is concerned, the survey consisted of 12 likert scale items, the same ones that were presented in tables in frequencies and percentages, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of the results, which allowed us to contrast The hypotheses. The results show that the null hypothesis has been rejected, therefore, the alternative hypothesis has been accepted in the sense that the higher tax benefits formalization. As a conclusion of the work mentioned, the empirical evidence corroborates the fact that the tax benefits in a positive and significant way with the business formalization of the locality, province and department of Huancavelica, period 2016. The intensity of the relationship found Is of r = 0.95 that have associated a probability p = 0.0 <0.05 so that this relation is positive and significant and corroborating with the coefficient of Spearman is very high the correlation
Beneficios tributarios, Formalización empresarial, Micro y pequeñas empresas, Tax benefits, Business formalization, Micro and small enterprises